“There were so many takeaways from the course, I couldn't resist referencing some of the powerful topics from the course in my final Masters of Social Work thesis- as well as add to my Social Work toolkit. I personally enjoyed learning about the consequences of the impacts on professionals who work in the field that we do, because I did not know there was a term to describe this. So insightful!"
— Anjana
“I am an educator in a 3-5yrs preschool setting and recently participated in the online course ‘Trauma and the use of art therapy in schools’ facilitated by Dr Shiri Hergrass. We participated in 6 sessions on zoom with a group of other educators, people working in the early childhood education sector in other roles and Shiri, holding a session once a week. We also had access to a very interesting and informative online component, made up of readings, videos and art group examples to help explain the whole process and give a deep-dive into different tropics from this field. The sessions with the group each week were a safe space to interact with each other, ask questions and share stories about our own experiences as well as have the privilege to hear Shiri speak thoroughly about Trauma informed practices and how the benefits of art can help heal and support us to connect on a deeper level with the children that are in our care. I found the course and our time with Shiri so uplifting and inspiring, it gave me the tools to implement in my care setting with the seasonal model and the confidence to support children to flourish in healing and give a safe and supporting space to those around me.
Thankyou so much Shiri for the opportunity to learn with you and for your ongoing guidance and mentoring in the use of Art therapy with children.”
— Quote Source
“Working with Shiri has been one of the most rewarding knowledge that I value dearly in my teaching career.
Understanding trauma has not only me a better teacher but also a more empathetic person. Each module from this course presented deep work within personal as well as professional life.
I find that this course has open up a lot learning opportunity and inspired me as teacher to advocate for trauma inform practice in every early learning services. Thank you Shiri for sharing your knowledge, patience, non-judgemental nature, and your kindness.
It has been a beautiful and an enlighten six weeks.”
— Quote Source
“The trauma training that Shiri designed is very beneficial to me as an early childhood teacher who works closely with vulnerable children and families. I really enjoyed the training not only because of the informative, educational, and relevant resources included in the course but also how Shiri delivers it in a caring and inspiring way. I often go back to the course to revisit the resources and the reflection questions which are all very thought provoking. The course helped me develop a deeper understanding of trauma, its impact on children across many areas, and the power of positive relationships. It also provided me with the correct language to use when supporting and upskilling other educators.
It reassured me of what I’m doing which I often doubt in stressful situations and it opens my minds in what I can do to support filling the children’s emotional cup. In addition to the resources, I really appreciate the arts activities incorporated throughout the course. It provided me with the opportunity to have a taste of how powerful art (as a form of language) can be used in healing so that I can then adopt this approach in practice to support all children.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to upskill themselves in this field and who wants to make a positive change in children’s lives.”
— Quote Source
“Shiri’s Art to Heart online course was extremely easy to follow, engage in and allowed a safe space for us educators to develop our knowledge of trauma and it’s affects on both children and professionals working closely with them. It was reflective and accommodated a community of learning for educators wanting to enhance their knowledge and way of working with children who have experienced trauma. Shiri is somebody who has a wealth of knowledge and is able to deliver the course content in a way that is easy to understand and allows growth for all involved. I found this course to be inspiring and motivating as it allowed me to reflect on my current practices as an Early Childhood teacher. The course was validating and helped to shift my mindset. Shiri is somebody I will continue to learn from in the future and build my professional knowledge with.”
— Quote Source
“Trauma, even though we've heard it this term so often and sometimes even use it so loosely. We fail to recognise the intensity, the deepness and fear around trauma. This course, 'Understanding trauma: From Creativity to Freedom' by Shiri Hergass, has not only increased my understanding about trauma, and its long-lasting effects but also got me reflecting on my own experiences as well as build my curiosity.
This course covers a wide range of topics that gives one a holistic understanding of the different aspects of trauma, as well as an understanding of its manifestation, its effects, and the differences in experiences. Right from defining trauma to exploring the impact on one's body and mind, this course covers it all. This course also acknowledges every experience, even if it is a small change that could have a strong impact on a child. Even though trauma is a complex term and can be challenging to get one's head around it, it doesn't stop one from experiencing trauma. This course helped me understand that traumatic experiences happen at a very young age, but little did we have the capacity to make sense of these experiences and we continue to live with that scar and eventually find ways to protect that wound rather than try to heal from those experiences.
From all the units and modules covered in this course, the False Self aspect got me to reflect on my own behaviours and experiences, and really trying to find that authentic self. It was interesting to know that the creation of the false self, starts from a very young age, when a child seeks attachment and validation from their parents/caregivers. These little being who are trying to make sense of the world around them, who lack the emotional capacity to process some of their experiences, choose to push away their true self to receive approval and validation from the world around them. We often try to improve or correct behaviours that children display without trying to understand the underlining cause of such behaviours.
Art therapy helps children to process their emotions and develop an understanding of their experiences when they lack the capacity to vocabulary to express it. Art helps the child to feel more grounded and take their time to makes sense of their thoughts and emotions. The main aspect of such art groups is not the final artwork but creating that safe space for children to develop relationships with others and share their experiences without any judgements.
The Seasonal Model, that follows six aspects through the different sessions we experience in Sydney. This model focuses on creating a safe, non-judgemental, and reflective group that can better support children and build strong relationships. It uses a decolonizing approach that allows children and educators/professionals to overcome time safely and respectfully. This model even acknowledges Vicarious Traumatizing experienced by professionals working with children who have experienced trauma. Validating their emotions and experiences is as important as that of the children in the care. It is only when we as professionals can give ourselves entirely to support the children we work with, it is then that we are making a difference in that child's life.”
— Amber Collaco
“The exploration of trauma through self guided reading and activities was great and the
opportunity to then touch base with others weekly who were on the same journey was
extremely beneficial. Like any training, to be given the opportunity to discuss with
yourself and others assisted to embed ideas, be curious about other ways of working
and reflect on personal and professional experience which only works to benefit me in
all facets of my life.
Topics covered gave an overview of trauma as well as the impact this has not only on
children experiencing uncertainties but also on those of us who work with these
children. Through understanding more fully impacts of vicarious trauma, I am better able
to recognise emotions in myself therefore being better equipt to support those around
Thank you again Shiri for providing an engaging, hands on learning experience for what
can be a very heavy, but essential subject.
— Michelle Acreman Director