From building self esteem to healing severe trauma, Art Therapy brings light, colour and hope to the lives of children and adults alike.

“Art can permeate the very deepest part of us, where no words exist."
Eileen Miller

Meet Dr. Shiri Hergass
Shiri Hergass is a Clinical Social Worker and Art Therapist who has spent the last 25 years working with children and adults who have experienced trauma, and those who work with them.
Online Programs
Online courses designed to support professionals who work with children experiencing trauma. It brings an introduction to the fundamentals of trauma and its impacts on children’s behaviour and functioning; offers tools and approaches to connect with the children and support them to flourish and heal from trauma.
Private Consultations
Private therapy sessions for children, women and families who have experienced trauma
Pre-School Program
Activities to allow children to express themselves and increase engagement with their educators. Includes: Creative Groups, Art, Music, Gardening
For mental health professionals looking to optimise services, foster professional development and have a safe space for to process vicarious trauma

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Featured Product: ‘Dreamy the Pillow’ Kit
A pillow with a pocket for children to wish for a dream. Includes downloadable storybook and special wish sheets. See blog post for more details. (‘My Dreamy Land’ Guided Meditation below.)
Other Products

“There were so many takeaways from the course, I couldn't resist referencing some of the powerful topics from the course in my final Masters of Social Work thesis- as well as add to my Social Work toolkit. I personally enjoyed learning about the consequences of the impacts on professionals who work in the field that we do, because I did not know there was a term to describe this. So insightful!"
— Anjana
“Working with Shiri has been one of the most rewarding knowledge that I value dearly in my teaching career.
Understanding trauma has not only me a better teacher but also a more empathetic person. Each module from this course presented deep work within personal as well as professional life.
I find that this course has open up a lot learning opportunity and inspired me as teacher to advocate for trauma inform practice in every early learning services.
Thank you Shiri for sharing your knowledge, patience, non-judgemental nature, and your kindness.
It has been a beautiful and an enlighten six weeks.”
— Anjana

A Glimpse into the Inner World of Educators and Children during Covid-19
it is important to give voice to the voiceless, to get a glimpse of the inner world of those whom will be the future of our society – our vulnerable preschool children, and their educators. Examining the reactions of Australian children, by understanding their artwork can help to illuminate their emotions and feelings, and perhaps allow for development of methods to help them process the stress and traumatic events they are experiencing.

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